
package de.dlr.shepard.neo4j.migrations;

import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;

import org.neo4j.driver.Session;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.StdDateFormat;

import ac.simons.neo4j.migrations.core.JavaBasedMigration;
import ac.simons.neo4j.migrations.core.MigrationContext;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;

public class V2__Extract_json implements JavaBasedMigration {

	class ShepardFile {
		public final String oid;
		public final String filename;
		public final long createdAt;
		public final String md5;

	class StructuredData {
		public final String oid;
		public final String name;
		public final long createdAt;

	class Timeseries {
		public final String measurement;
		public final String device;
		public final String location;
		public final String symbolicName;
		public final String field;

	private static final String FILES_JSON = "filesJson";
	private static final String STRUCTURED_DATAS_JSON = "structuredDatasJson";
	private static final String TIMESERIES_JSON = "timeseriesJson";
	private ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

	public void apply(MigrationContext context) {
		try (Session session = context.getSession()) {
			log.info("Running migration (1/5)");
			log.info("Running migration (2/5)");
			log.info("Running migration (3/5)");
			log.info("Running migration (4/5)");
			log.info("Running migration (5/5)");
		} catch (Exception e) {
			log.error("Error while running migration: ", e);

	private void migrateFileContainer(Session session) {
		var cResults = session
				.executeRead(tx -> tx.run("MATCH (c:FileContainer) WHERE c.filesJson IS NOT NULL RETURN c").list());
		for (int i = 0; i < cResults.size(); i++) {
			logPercent(i, cResults.size());
			var c = cResults.get(i).get("c").asNode();
			var cId = c.elementId();

			if (!c.containsKey(FILES_JSON))

			var tx = session.beginTransaction();
			for (var fileObj : c.get(FILES_JSON).asList()) {
				if (fileObj instanceof String fileStr) {
					var fileNode = parseJson(fileStr);
					if (fileNode.isEmpty()) {
						log.error("NodeID {}: File cannot be parsed and will be skipped: {}", cId, fileStr);
					var file = parseShepardFile(fileNode.get());
					Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
					params.put("props", Map.of("oid", file.oid, "createdAt", file.createdAt, "filename", file.filename,
							"md5", file.md5));
					var query = """
							MATCH (c:FileContainer) WHERE ID(c) = %s
							CREATE (c)-[:file_in_container]->(sf:ShepardFile $props)
					tx.run(String.format(query, cId), params);
			tx.run("MATCH (c:FileContainer) WHERE ID(c) = " + cId + " REMOVE c.filesJson");

	private void migrateFileReferences(Session session) {
		var rResults = session
				.executeRead(tx -> tx.run("MATCH (r:FileReference) WHERE r.filesJson IS NOT NULL RETURN r").list());
		for (int i = 0; i < rResults.size(); i++) {
			logPercent(i, rResults.size());
			var r = rResults.get(i).get("r").asNode();
			var rId = r.elementId();

			if (!r.containsKey(FILES_JSON))

			var tx = session.beginTransaction();
			for (var fileObj : r.get(FILES_JSON).asList()) {
				if (fileObj instanceof String fileStr) {
					var fileNode = parseJson(fileStr);
					if (fileNode.isEmpty()) {
						log.error("NodeID {}: File cannot be parsed and will be skipped: {}", rId, fileStr);
					var file = parseShepardFile(fileNode.get());
					Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
					params.put("oid", file.oid);
							Map.of("createdAt", file.createdAt, "filename", file.filename, "md5", file.md5));
					var query = """
							MATCH (r:FileReference)-[:is_in_container]->(c:FileContainer) WHERE ID(r) = %s
							MERGE (c)-[:file_in_container]->(sf:ShepardFile { oid: $oid })
							SET sf += $props
							CREATE (r)-[hp:has_payload]->(sf)
					tx.run(String.format(query, rId), params);
			tx.run("MATCH (r:FileReference) WHERE ID(r) = " + rId + " REMOVE r.filesJson");

	private void migrateStructuredDataContainer(Session session) {
		var cResults = session.executeRead(tx -> tx
				.run("MATCH (c:StructuredDataContainer) WHERE c.structuredDatasJson IS NOT NULL RETURN c").list());
		for (int i = 0; i < cResults.size(); i++) {
			logPercent(i, cResults.size());
			var c = cResults.get(i).get("c").asNode();
			var cId = c.elementId();

			if (!c.containsKey(STRUCTURED_DATAS_JSON))

			var tx = session.beginTransaction();
			for (var structuredDataObj : c.get(STRUCTURED_DATAS_JSON).asList()) {
				if (structuredDataObj instanceof String structuredDataStr) {
					var structuredDataNode = parseJson(structuredDataStr);
					if (structuredDataNode.isEmpty()) {
						log.error("NodeID {}: StructuredData cannot be parsed and will be skipped: {}", cId,
					var sd = parseStructuredData(structuredDataNode.get());
					Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
					params.put("props", Map.of("oid", sd.oid, "createdAt", sd.createdAt, "name", sd.name));
					var query = """
							MATCH (c:StructuredDataContainer) WHERE ID(c) = %s
							CREATE (c)-[:structureddata_in_container]->(sd:StructuredData $props)
					tx.run(String.format(query, cId), params);
			tx.run("MATCH (c:StructuredDataContainer) WHERE ID(c) = " + cId + " REMOVE c.structuredDatasJson");

	private void migrateStructuredDataReferences(Session session) {
		var rResults = session.executeRead(tx -> tx
				.run("MATCH (r:StructuredDataReference) WHERE r.structuredDatasJson IS NOT NULL RETURN r").list());
		for (int i = 0; i < rResults.size(); i++) {
			logPercent(i, rResults.size());
			var r = rResults.get(i).get("r").asNode();
			var rId = r.elementId();

			if (!r.containsKey(STRUCTURED_DATAS_JSON))

			var tx = session.beginTransaction();
			for (var structuredDataObj : r.get(STRUCTURED_DATAS_JSON).asList()) {
				if (structuredDataObj instanceof String structuredDataStr) {
					var structuredDataNode = parseJson(structuredDataStr);
					if (structuredDataNode.isEmpty()) {
						log.error("NodeID {}: StructuredData cannot be parsed and will be skipped: {}", rId,
					var sd = parseStructuredData(structuredDataNode.get());
					Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
					params.put("oid", sd.oid);
					params.put("props", Map.of("createdAt", sd.createdAt, "name", sd.name));
					var query = """
							MATCH (r:StructuredDataReference)-[:is_in_container]->(c:StructuredDataContainer) WHERE ID(r) = %s
							MERGE (c)-[:structureddata_in_container]->(sd:StructuredData { oid: $oid })
							SET sd += $props
							CREATE (r)-[hp:has_payload]->(sd)
					tx.run(String.format(query, rId), params);
			tx.run("MATCH (r:StructuredDataReference) WHERE ID(r) = " + rId + " REMOVE r.structuredDatasJson");

	private void migrateTimeseriesReferences(Session session) {
		var rResults = session.executeRead(
				tx -> tx.run("MATCH (r:TimeseriesReference) WHERE r.timeseriesJson IS NOT NULL RETURN r").list());
		for (int i = 0; i < rResults.size(); i++) {
			logPercent(i, rResults.size());
			var r = rResults.get(i).get("r").asNode();
			var rId = r.elementId();

			if (!r.containsKey(TIMESERIES_JSON))

			var tx = session.beginTransaction();
			for (var timeseriesObj : r.get(TIMESERIES_JSON).asList()) {
				if (timeseriesObj instanceof String timeseriesStr) {
					var timeseriesNode = parseJson(timeseriesStr);
					if (timeseriesNode.isEmpty()) {
						log.error("NodeID {}: Timeseries cannot be parsed and will be skipped: {}", rId, timeseriesStr);
					var ts = parseTimeseries(timeseriesNode.get());
					Map<String, Object> params = Map.of("measurement", ts.measurement, "device", ts.device, "location",
							ts.location, "symbolicName", ts.symbolicName, "field", ts.field);
					var query = """
							MATCH (r:TimeseriesReference) WHERE ID(r) = %s
							MERGE (ts:Timeseries { measurement: $measurement, device: $device, location: $location, symbolicName: $symbolicName, field: $field })
							CREATE (r)-[hp:has_payload]->(ts)

					tx.run(String.format(query, rId), params);
			tx.run("MATCH (r:TimeseriesReference) WHERE ID(r) = " + rId + " REMOVE r.timeseriesJson");

	private Optional<JsonNode> parseJson(String str) {
		JsonNode node;
		try {
			node = mapper.readTree(str);
		} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
			// This should not be possible
			return Optional.empty();
		return Optional.of(node);

	private long parseDate(String date) {
		if (date.length() == 0)
			return 0L;
		Date parsed;
		try {
			parsed = new StdDateFormat().parse(date);
		} catch (ParseException e) {
			// This should not be possible
			log.warn("{}, using 0 instead", e.getMessage());
			return 0L;
		return parsed.getTime();

	private ShepardFile parseShepardFile(JsonNode node) {
		var oid = Optional.ofNullable(node.get("oid")).map(JsonNode::asText).orElse("");
		var createdAt = Optional.ofNullable(node.get("createdAt")).map(JsonNode::asText).orElse("");
		var filename = Optional.ofNullable(node.get("filename")).map(JsonNode::asText).orElse("");
		var md5 = Optional.ofNullable(node.get("md5")).map(JsonNode::asText).orElse("");
		return new ShepardFile(oid, filename, parseDate(createdAt), md5);

	private StructuredData parseStructuredData(JsonNode node) {
		var oid = Optional.ofNullable(node.get("oid")).map(JsonNode::asText).orElse("");
		var createdAt = Optional.ofNullable(node.get("createdAt")).map(JsonNode::asText).orElse("");
		var name = Optional.ofNullable(node.get("name")).map(JsonNode::asText).orElse("");
		return new StructuredData(oid, name, parseDate(createdAt));

	private Timeseries parseTimeseries(JsonNode node) {
		var measurement = Optional.ofNullable(node.get("measurement")).map(JsonNode::asText).orElse("");
		var device = Optional.ofNullable(node.get("device")).map(JsonNode::asText).orElse("");
		var location = Optional.ofNullable(node.get("location")).map(JsonNode::asText).orElse("");
		var symbolicName = Optional.ofNullable(node.get("symbolicName")).map(JsonNode::asText).orElse("");
		var field = Optional.ofNullable(node.get("field")).map(JsonNode::asText).orElse("");
		return new Timeseries(measurement, device, location, symbolicName, field);

	private void logPercent(int i, int size) {
		int curPercent = (int) (100f / size * i);
		int prePercent = (int) (100f / size * (i - 1));
		if (prePercent < curPercent) {
			log.info("... {} %", curPercent);
